Leftover Cauliflower Rice: When Is It Safe To Eat?

Cauliflower rice is a delicious alternative for those looking who prefer to follow a healthy diet but have difficulty ditching rice. It’s got a mild taste, impressive health benefits, and can be used in in many ways, such as in salads or stir fries. But how long does leftover cauliflower rice last?

Cauliflower will last two to four days in the fridge or up to six months in the freezer. To freeze cauliflower rice, scoop the leftovers into freezer-safe bags and make sure to remove any air before sealing them.

Let’s take a closer look at everything you need to know about cauliflower rice, including how long it’ll last, how to make it, and its health benefits.

How Long Does Cauliflower Rice Last in the Fridge?

Organic Paleo Cauliflower Rice

Fresh riced cauliflower will last two to four days in the fridge. However, if you need to keep it for more than four days, you should put it in the freezer.

Store the cauliflower for up to six months by freezing it. Simply scoop the riced cauliflower into freezer-safe bags (on Amazon) and remove the air before sealing them.

How Is Cauliflower Rice Made?

Prepare cauliflower rice using a box grater (on Amazon) or a food processor grater blade to pulse it into granules.

Here are the steps:

  1. Wash thoroughly and dry cauliflower, removing all greens.
  2. Chop the cauliflower into small chunks, including the cores.
  3. Put the cauliflower chunks into your food processor (on Amazon).
  4. Blitz the cauliflower until it resembles the texture of rice.

Cooking Cauliflower Rice

The cooking method for riced cauliflower is different from regular rice. Cooking riced cauliflower is quicker and easier.

Since regular rice is dry, it needs to be cooked in water, and it can be tough to get the ratio right.

Here are ways you can cook riced cauliflower:

Using the Microwave

This is the fastest way to cook Cauliflower rice. Make cauliflower rice using the microwave with the following simple steps:

  1. Put your riced cauliflower in the microwave
  2. Run the microwave for 5 minutes.
  3. If you’ve got a large portion, stir it after 5 minutes and run the microwave for additional 5 minutes.

Steamed in the Oven

You can also steam your cauliflower rice using the oven to achieve a similar result. Put your riced cauliflower in an oven-friendly dish and cover it with a lid.

Run your oven for 10-15 minutes at 400 degrees Fahrenheit. Ensure the cauliflower rice is tender before serving.

Roasted in an Oven

Roast your cauliflower using an oven for a more flavorful taste. This is the best cooking method for cauliflower rice salads or side dishes.

Roast your cauliflower in the oven using the following steps:

  1. Drizzle coconut or olive oil on your riced cauliflower.
  2. Place it on a baking sheet.
  3. Bake for 10-15 minutes at 425 degrees Fahrenheit.

When the cauliflower rice turns golden brown and crisp, it’s ready to be served.

Pan Fried

This is a fun way to cook riced cauliflower, especially if you’re eating it as a side dish. Use some oil to give it a nice taste and a crispy texture.

Here’s how to pan-fry riced cauliflower:

  1. Use a large skillet to heat some avocado oil or olive oil.
  2. Add the cauliflower rice to the hot oil, occasionally stirring to ensure no crowding in one place.
  3. After 5-10 minutes, your cauliflower rice will turn golden brown. It’s now ready to be served.

What Does Cauliflower Rice Taste Like?

Roasted cauliflower rice

Cauliflower is mildly flavored, and it tastes like rice. Rice cauliflower and rice have a similar texture.

How to Prevent Riced Cauliflower From Being Soggy

If you want to ensure your riced cauliflower doesn’t turn out soggy, roast it in the oven or pan-fry it. Adding a bit of coconut or avocado oil and cooking it on medium to high heat will help it crisp.

If you steam your riced cauliflower, press it with a paper towel and dry it before cooking.

Health Benefits of Cauliflower

Cauliflower rice is a great alternative to rice in part because of its many health benefits, which include:

  • High in Fiber: Cauliflower contains fiber required to feed the healthy bacteria in your gut for effective digestion and reduced inflammation.
  • Source of Antioxidants: Your body needs antioxidants for an immunity boost.
  • Nutrient Dense: Cauliflower carries vitamins C, K, and B6 as well as minerals such as manganese, potassium, phosphorus, and folate.

How to Know if Cauliflower Rice Has Gone Bad

It’s easy to tell if your riced cauliflower has gone bad. Here are ways to tell:

  • Smell: If your cauliflower has gone bad, you will certainly not miss the foul smell of it. Toss it if it has a strong odor.
  • Sliminess: A slimy texture is not a good sign. If your cauliflower feels slimy, it’s time to throw it away.

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